Brother DeAndre Muhammad was born on March 21, 1974 in North Charleston, S.C. from his parents Rose Marie Williams and Joseph Williams. He was born and raised in the then George Legare and Ben Tillman projects in the North Charleston area. He attended Elementary school at Ben Tillman Elementary School, Middle School at Morningside Middle School, High School at North Charleston High School from 1988 to 1992 and attended Trident Technical College from 1992-1993. It was at North Charleston High School in the 10th grade where he started studying the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad at age 16. It was in that same year on September 20th around the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Hugo that he went to see and hear live at the King Street Palace the Honorable Louis Farrakhan speak on the subject “ The Time and What Must Be Done. “He became the president of the North Charleston High School African American Club from 1991-1992.He also was the president of the African American student organization at Trident Technical College from 1992-1993. It was this experience that greatly inspired him to study more and eventually become a follower of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad through the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. In July of 1991 he met a member of the Nation of Islam Brother John X that recruited him out of high school and became the man responsible for taking him to his first mosque meeting in Columbia, South Carolina to hear the then Minister Kendall X(now Bro. Amin Muhammad). It was Brother John X that started FOI training classes on Mondays and Friday night study groups on Fridays to help further Bro. DeAndre’s development to eventually become a member of the Nation of Islam. On April 22, 1993 Brother DeAndre became a registered member of the Nation of Islam. On December 19, 1993 he became the Student Minister of Muhammad’s Mosque of Charleston until October 1994 under the Regional leadership of Brother Minister Abdul Arif Muhammad. In October of 1994 he was replaced by Brother Student Minister Dennis Muhammad who he served under as Assistant Student Minister from 1996-2010. On November 21, 1994 Brother DeAndre married his wife Sister Veronica D. Muhammad and they currently have two children (Samya A. Muhammad and Tariq Aziz Muhammad).
Along with his role as an assistant to Brother Student Minister Dennis Muhammad he has taken on the roles and responsibilities as FOI secretary, paper captain, youth coordinator, and co-chair of the local organizing committee for the Millions More Movement. He attended the Million Man March in 1995, the Million Family March in 2000 and the Millions More Movement in 2005.He have set local records in Charleston, South Carolina with his distribution of the Final newspaper in which he went approximately seven years straight selling 300 to 400 Final Call newspapers per issue. He set the record for most Final Calls sold in Charleston, S.C. in one issue by selling 700 issues of the Final Call newspaper issue entitled “Clinton’s Black Problem” in 1993. He also set the record for most final calls sold in one day by selling 230 papers in 1996. At the start of the new millennium Brother DeAndre got in involved with the Charleston County public school system by working to solve the youth (gang) conflict between the Liberty Hill Posse (LHP) and Port City Project (PCP) at Morningside Middle school in 2000. After hearing the Honorable Louis Farrakhan’s lecture entitled “The Origin of Blackness” in 2001 where the Minister made the statement” Why aren’t black men in the schools teaching black children that they are gods! “These words inspired him to become a substitute teacher in the Charleston County public school system in 2002. Since that time he has established many relationships with various youth throughout the elementary, middle, and high schools in Charleston County. He is currently pursuing his Associates and Bachelor’s degree in the “Call Me Mister Program” which is a program to get more black male teachers in the school system. Also in 2002 he was inspired to pick back up on his music as a conscious rapper named “Nu- Genesis” to help deliver a positive message to inspire youth to stop the violence and live productive lives. He has produced six albums entitled “From Genesis to Revelation”(2004), “Twice Az Light”(2005), “The Trilogy” (2006), “The Final Warning, the Final Call” (2007), “The Godster vs. the Gangster”(2008), and “ A New Beginning” (2009).He worked with at risk youth at Murray Hill Academy now Daniel Jenkins Academy by participating in a play created by Ms. Veronica Gaillard called “ A Message in the Music” in 2008 at Sterrett Hall auditorium. He also worked with the city of North Charleston art and culture department in after school programs teaching youth from Mary Ford, Pepperhill, Midland Park, and Hunley Park elementary schools teaching them life skills and how to produce positive rap and poetry. He worked with youth in the mosque conducting youth Sundays, youth lawful and deliberate dialogue sessions, Jr. FOI training classes, spell-a-thons, etc. to help develop youth in the mosque. He worked for the Department of Juvenile Justice as a juvenile correctional officer at the Coastal Evaluation Center from December 2009 to August 2010. He worked as the In School Suspension teacher at Stall High School from 2010-2011 in the Charleston County School District. He is currently the In School Suspension teacher at Wando High School. As the Student Minister of Muhammad Mosque of Charleston with the great help of hard working believers Bro. DeAndre has implemented Business Expos, Health Fairs, Children Fairs, and an end of the year graduation for new registered believers. He along with the help of the believers are currently striving to increase the ranks of Islam, implement more community programs and also purchase a Mosque building and property.